Thanks for the advice. And, I agree with the motto " less is more ". The less is more concept just started to sink in my brain recently when I realized that most of my layouts looked like pixel explosions. And, I was trying to put pixels everywhere because I was worried about having too much negative space. But, I guess that is all part of the learning process.
Everyone goes through that phase, even most professional designers struggle with it. It's also incredible how difficult the "less is more" philosophy is to implement. Our human nature is to always add more "stuff", lest it not look "complete". But the best interfaces actually tend to be invisible to the user (they just work and become second nature). And those interfaces take by far the most time to design even though there's less stuff in them.
If it helps, try a design where you focus on one specific thing, and let it be the "star". Say it's the game screenshots, really make them stand out, and minimize the influence of most of the other things (which will help give the images priority). Many people make the mistake of giving priority to lots of different things on the screen, but if you give priority to everything then nothing truly has priority. People won't know what it is they're supposed to look at. In a proper design it should be immediately obvious what the focal point is supposed to be. And everything else flows down from that.