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Messages - cubelindo

Pages: [1]
Themes / Re: OlRoom 4x3 Themes
« on: February 18, 2017, 10:13:03 AM »

These 4:ยท themes suit CRT TVs very well
I hope Mahuti finds the time to release the blank one

Themes / Re: OlRoom 4x3 Themes
« on: January 19, 2017, 12:49:23 AM »

Hi Mahuti, thanks for your theme!

I tried to use the original OlRoom theme in my AM for RetroPie with a 800 x 600 screen, and indeed it adapted poorly to a 4:3 screen, so I was looking exactly for this for some of the 8-bit computers and consoles (Spectrum, Commodore 64, Amstrad, Atari 8bit, Oddysey2, Coleco)

Would you share a "blank" theme? If possible, one with a cassette to show the title of the game. (There is a ZX Spectrum original OlRoom like that) I'll ask a friend to modify the background to make those themes. 

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