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Messages - two40

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General / Re: mame ui 64 get an error on AM
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:46:10 AM »
Those are the same exact errors I have been getting. I knew I was not crazy!!! I've been into this emulation thing for over 12 yrs and I know how to run a simple emulator like MAMEUI not sure what its going on but I see this as a run error which makes the emulator itself throw an error.

Have you worked out the issue or do we need to wait for a new MAME release and cross our fingers?

General / Re: Set New Home Directory in Windows
« on: June 10, 2015, 04:44:47 AM »
I think attract-mode will just use whatever directory you run it from as its home directory on windows.

Also, you could try using the --config parameter when you run attract-mode to specify the directory where it should look for its configuration, something like:

attract --config /my/config/location

$HOME for me points to C:\Users\Account-Name\

I was hoping to be able to change the $HOME location but it's no big deal if it can't be configured.

General / Re: mame ui 64 get an error on AM
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:40:49 AM »
Got it to work on a pre 0.162 version of MameUI64. Still can't figure out what's causing the problem with 0.162 MameUI64. Something must have changed in that version.

It does work with mame.exe 0.162b but that's beside the point for anyone using MameUI.

General / Re: mame ui 64 get an error on AM
« on: June 06, 2015, 11:01:51 PM »
I tried it on a different Windows 7 64 machine which has a fresh install of everything. No pie    :'(

If it's working for you I must be doing something wrong in the settings but I can't see it.

General / Re: mame ui 64 get an error on AM
« on: June 06, 2015, 06:30:19 PM »
I do not have these problems. But I use AM 1.5.3. Please test & try AM 1.5.3 and tell your results...

Still not working via AM. Fine via MameUI64.

# Generated by Attract-Mode 1.5.3
executable           G:\Emulators\MameUI64\MameUI64.exe
args                 [name] -skip_gameinfo
rompath              G:\Roms\mame\
romext               .zip;.7z;<DIR>
system               Arcade
info_source          mame
artwork    flyer           
artwork    marquee         G:\mame\marquees
artwork    snap            G:\mame\videos;G:\mame\snap
artwork    wheel

These are the errors I get.

General / Re: what is the best video format (codec) for snaps?
« on: June 06, 2015, 06:25:42 PM »
Have you tried flv?

Windows version currently does not work with flv but that bug will hopefully be fixed soon.

General / Set New Home Directory in Windows
« on: June 06, 2015, 06:00:26 PM »
Is there any way to set a new default home directory with the Windows build?

General / Re: mame ui 64 get an error on AM
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:43:09 AM »
I can run the frontend outside of AM but when i try to run a game it tries to start the game normally but then it says game files are missing.. this happends for very game i tried from mame

Same issue here on Win7 64.

1.5.1 no problem with mameui64

Overwrote AM.exe with 1.5.2 to update.

1.5.2 can't launch a single rom from AM but all work from mameui64.

General / Re: [tutorial] how to make favourites list
« on: June 02, 2015, 09:24:32 PM »
Nice one. Thanks for the tutorial. We need more of these.  ;)

Announcements / Re: Version 1.5.2
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:03:49 AM »

... because it doesn't have money backing it.

Happy to change that with a donation. I can see this FE growing into something special.

Pages: [1]