« on: February 25, 2019, 05:31:24 AM »
I add my arguments of emulators:
executable D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full\bluemsx.exe
args /fullscreen /rom1 "[romfilename]"
workdir D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full\
rompath D:\Emuladores\blueMSXv282full\Games
romext .zip;.7z
Sam Coupe-> Sim Coupe
executable D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue\SimCoupe.exe
args -disk1 "[rompath][name]".zip -autoboot yes -fullscreen 1
workdir D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue
rompath D:\Emuladores\SAMCopue\SamCmerge
romext .zip
Atari ST-> Hatari (you need to create a .cfg file for each game)
executable D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64\hatari.exe
args -c "[rompath][name]".cfg
workdir D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64\
rompath D:\Emuladores\hatari-2.1.0_windows64\ROMS
romext .cfg
AMIGA CD32-> FS UAE (you need to create a .FS-UAE file for each game)
executable D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Launcher.exe
args ./Configurations/"[name]".FS-UAE
workdir D:\Emuladores\Amiga\
rompath D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Configurations
romext .fs-uae
Commodore Amiga "1200"-> FS UAE
executable D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Launcher.exe
args --config:amiga-model=A1200 "[rompath][name]".zip
workdir D:\Emuladores\Amiga\
rompath D:\Emuladores\Amiga\Floppies\
romext .zip
PC-> Windows/DOS-BOX (you need to create a .bat file for each game and for Dos-Box you also need a create a .conf file for each game)
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
workdir D:\Emuladores\DOSBox
rompath D:\Emuladores\DOSBox
romext .bat
(.BAT for DOS-BOX)
@echo off
cd "directorygame"
call ..\dosbox.exe -conf "game.conf" -noconsole
Apple II/II+,Atari Lynx,Neo Geo Pocket (Color),WonderSwan,GameBoy (Color),GameBoy Advance,Nintendo Entertainment System,Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom,Virtual Boy,PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD),SuperGrafx,PC-FX,Sega Game ,ear,Sega Genesis/Megadrive,Sega Master System,Sega Saturn (experimental, x86_64 only),Sony PlayStation-> Mednafen
executable D:\Emuladores\mednafen-0.9.48-win64\mednafen.exe
args "[romfilename]"
rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\System
romext .zip
Dreamcast, Naomi, Naomi 2, Atomis Wave, Hikaru, Cave CV1000, Gaelco-> Demul
executable D:\Emuladores\demul07_111117\demul.exe
args -run=system -rom=[name]
workdir D:\Emuladores\demul07_111117\
rompath D:\System\Roms
romext .zip;.7z;<DIR>
Spectrum ZX-> Fuse
executable D:\Emuladores\Speculator 8.0\fuse.exe
args "[romfilename]"
rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\SpectrumZX
romext .zip
Amstrad CPC-> WinAPE
executable D:\Emuladores\WinAPE20B2\winape.exe
args "[rompath][name]".zip\:"[name]".dsk /a
workdir D:\MAME 0.193\software\Amstrad CPC\
rompath D:\MAME 0.193\software\Amstrad CPC\
romext .zip