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Messages - Dottordispetto

Pages: [1]
General / After Shutdown Attract Mode don't start again
« on: October 14, 2018, 02:32:34 AM »

i have installed ATTRACT MODE on a MINIPC with Windows 10 64 bit, everything works fine, but after two or three shutdown ( regular shutdown ) ATTRACTMODE
don't work...i start Attract.exe, black screen and return to desktop...whitout error signals.

I deleted ATTRACT directory, resetup fine for two or three times...and AGAIN not working.


My system is:

WINDOWS 10 64 Bit
64 Gb SSD
6 Gb RAM
128 Gb MicroSD in wich located ROMS

ATTRACT directory is in C:
MAME directory is in C:

All in a standard Arcade Cabinet

Pages: [1]