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Messages - 80sfan

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General / Re: Running merged mame softwarelist roms
« on: May 08, 2019, 11:02:25 PM »
Thanks for your help!
My old broken romlist was created by running:

Code: [Select]
attract --build-romlist mame-nes --full
I ran the commands you suggested instead and it created the romlist with the correct Name field! 
Thanks again!

General / Running merged mame softwarelist roms
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:17:32 AM »
I am running attract-mode v2.5.1 and mame 0.208.  I have a merged rom set for mame softwarelist that I'm attempting to use.  I followed the information at and built a full rom list for nes.  All the merged clones are now showing up in my romlist.  However, I am now having an issue launching the clone roms.  My emulator cfg looks like this:

executable           /usr/bin/mame64
args                 nes [name]
workdir              /usr/bin/
rompath              /home/mame/MAME-SL/nes
romext               .zip;.7z
system               nes;Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
info_source          listsoftware

This works fine to launch "parent" roms, but not clone roms.  I have also tried using:

args         [system] -cart "[romfilename]"
args         nes -cart "[romfilename]"

but that doesn't work for me either.  Looking at the romlist that was generated I can see what the issue is.  The Name field for clone roms is the same as the Title field for some reason. For example:

zelda;The Legend of Zelda (Euro, Rev. A);mame-nes;;1987;Nintendo;;2;0;joystick (8-way),joystick (8-way);imperfect;1;raster;zelda;;;2
The Legend of Zelda (USA);The Legend of Zelda (USA);mame-nes;zelda;1987;Nintendo;;;;;;;;zeldaua;;;
The Legend of Zelda (USA, Rev. A);The Legend of Zelda (USA, Rev. A);mame-nes;zelda;1987;Nintendo;;;;;;;;zeldau;;;

You can see that the "parent" rom "zelda" has the correct name entry to use with mame, but the other two clones do not.  However the 4th to last field, "AltRomname", is correct and would allow the game to launch if used in the args.  So, the question is: Am I just doing something totally wrong or is the Name field supposed to be this way?  Is there a way to use AltRomname for args?  I tried [altromname] and [AltRomname] but it sent the literal value on the cmdline.  I tried to find what options are valid for replacement in args like [name] or [romfilename], but couldn't find a list anywhere.  I could also replace the Name field with AltRomname using awk or something, but I figured I'd ask because I'm sure other people have made this work before.


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