« on: October 12, 2015, 12:48:44 AM »
Hello. New to attract mode fe... I'm not sure if you have this all sorted out as of yet, but I run 64-bit lubuntu 14.04 on a fully operational MAMEcab 2-player, 6-button config currently running Cabrio-FE with mame/mess/gens/epsxe/zsnes and have some of the "checklist" items you list already scripted out in bash shell (or easily similar). Like auto start, auto log, launch video at cab power up, etc. All of this I have roughly scripted in SH from clean install (bare) to rock 'n roll. Let me know if i could share some knowledge.
ps.. could also help with control integration power routing and other cool little cab tricks. i also use AntiMicro to integrate wired xbox360 controllers as players 3 and 4. potentiometers for cabinet volume control wiring, leds for activity lights...etc ...etc..
I have documented everything on this CAB build and 99% of the software configs are scripted