General / Unable to make selection in attract-mode with keyboard
« on: July 19, 2020, 01:29:01 PM »
Hi all,
I'm new to this retro stuff. I have a raspberry pie three with a wolfonoz 32 gig sd image. Everything boots up just fine. I have a keyboard connected to the pie but I cannot make any selections in the menus.
The only buttons that seem to work on the keyboard are Tab and Esc. I press Esc to exit Attract-Mode to get into EmulationStation to map my arcade joysticks and buttons but any button I press, it won't select "Yes".
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
I'm new to this retro stuff. I have a raspberry pie three with a wolfonoz 32 gig sd image. Everything boots up just fine. I have a keyboard connected to the pie but I cannot make any selections in the menus.
The only buttons that seem to work on the keyboard are Tab and Esc. I press Esc to exit Attract-Mode to get into EmulationStation to map my arcade joysticks and buttons but any button I press, it won't select "Yes".
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you in advance.