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Messages - Wenge

Pages: [1]
Scripting / Conveyor issue. Not always selecting middle item.
« on: December 01, 2016, 01:03:51 PM »
I've knocked up a simple NES Mini style them.  Just uses boxart and the title at the top.

But the title at the top doesn't always match the boxart thats in the middle.  Depending which way you are scrolling sometimes it's the item left of middle and sometimes right.

Code: [Select]
fe.load_module( "conveyor" );

SimpleArtStrip( "flyer", 5, flx*-0.14, fly*0.100, flw*1, flh*0.154 flw*0.30 );

Any easy way to fix it?   I'm most likely being a complete NoOb and missing something obvious.

Pages: [1]