Author Topic: N64/Reicast Emulators Extremely Loud  (Read 3352 times)


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N64/Reicast Emulators Extremely Loud
« on: August 17, 2017, 11:22:31 PM »
Hi everyone,

Newb to the forums and the Retropie in general, but wondering if anyone has figured out why the N64 emulator and the Reicast one are so loud compared to the others in the 128GB version? I have seen a few forums that address it, but none actual tell how to solve it. Like I said, I am a newb so I may be missing something here but any help would be appreciated.

I built my own custom arcade from an old Gauntlet Legends arcade machine I got and am running a Raspberry Pi 3 on it. I have 8 arcade buttons on both player 1 & 2, plus have 2 iBuffalo SNES controllers (configured for SNES and NES roms), and 1 Playstation 1 controller (with the help of a PSX to USB that runs my 1st player PSX roms and Dreamcast roms).

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