Author Topic: Lollipop Chainsaw Theme Pack [v1] [Release] [16x9 only]  (Read 6018 times)


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Lollipop Chainsaw Theme Pack [v1] [Release] [16x9 only]
« on: February 13, 2018, 12:26:27 PM »
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YT Video

[Recommended Requirements]

Romlist Metadata (see below for instructions)

[ FAQ / Instructions ]

To install system selector images:

Copy image files from "Lollipop Selector/menu-art/snap" to "AM/menu-art/snap".
Rename files as needed to match your systems.  To do this go to "AM/romlists" and use those naming schemes.
If you need custom system logos, then request me.

To setup horizontal navigation:

A) Recommended method: Set option to "Proper" under "Horizontal Navigation".  Go to AM Config->Controls-> and remap the "Left" to "Prev_Game" and "Right" to "Next_Game".  This allows you to control the theme with L/R for switching between games and U/D to switch between displays.  I usually map a home/display button to Triangle on a psx joypad and L1/R1 as Prev_Letter/Next_Letter.  Although you can customize how you want it.  Going this route is bug free.

B) Alt Method: Set option to "Buggy" under "Horizontal Navigation".  Make sure Prev_Game and Next_Game are not re-mapped from Method A.   Doing this method does not globally change the binds so that vertical themes cannot be used in conjunction.  However, it is extremely buggy.  See this thread for explanations.  This method is not recommended but I am leaving it in because it may be helpful for some.

To create Romlist Metadata:

When you generate a romlist in AM, under "Info Source/Scraper" select "".  This will generate a romlist with most fields filled out.  Works 90% of the time.  You can fill in the rest manually by going to your "AM/romlists" folder and manually filling out the txt files.  The categories that are pertinent to this theme are "Year", "Manufacturer", "Category", and "Players".  The Region is under "Title".

To properly display Region metadata:

I use the Redump naming scheme for my roms (outside of Mame).  They usually go like this:
Megaman (USA)
Rockman (Japan)
Rockman (Japan) (Translated En)

You can either name your sets in this scheme.  Or alternatively rename the "Title" category to this scheme in your system.txt in the "AM/romlists" folder.

Also for aesthetic purposes, you should Config->General->Hide Brackets in Game Title to "Yes".

To set or create custom icons for the Button Panel:

There are extra icons in "Lollipop Chainsaw Theme/images/panel" folder that you can set as custom buttons.  They are named "_unused".  Just rename them to their replacement names.  Example:  If you want to use Xbox A button instead of the Psx X button,  then rename "_unused_xbox_a.png" to "panel_select.png".   You can also change the color of the icon by modifying the layout.nut.  (Go to Button Panel->Button Panel Icons and change the RGB values there).  It's very easy to create your own but if you need me to create some more custom buttons, then request me.

Will there be a 4x3 version? and why not?

Unfortunately this theme is 16x9 only.  I personally don't think my themes are great for the smaller 4x3 aspect because when I design the theme, I'm trying to maximize the use of the open space.

[ Known Issues ]

-For the main theme (not the menu theme), the alternate Carrier list does not look or behave like I envisioned.  The Conveyor mod does however.  This is mostly because I am a noob at coding.  Check this thread for more info.

-Tagging Favorites do not work.  I've left it in the options if someone wants to analyze the code and see if they can fix it.  (I've tried but I cannot figure it out)

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 12:59:56 AM by dukpoki »


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Re: Lollipop Chainsaw Theme Pack [v1] [Release] [16x9 only]
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2018, 12:04:29 AM »
video link is not working


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Re: Lollipop Chainsaw Theme Pack [v1] [Release] [16x9 only]
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2018, 01:01:40 AM »
video link is not working

Sorry about that.  It's fixed now.