I have installed HyperPC with many games. HyperPC is made to work out of the box and comes with many emulators and all configs already done.
HyperPC uses Attract-Mode to launch the games, so that's why i'm here. When i first installed it, configured some personal settings, and almost everything worked.
Then i remember one day trying to get PinballFX working, because the config file for it wasn't working. I finally got it working, something happened and now none of the games work.
I tried editing the config files, and even replacing the whole attract-mode folder with the original HyperPC folder, and same problem. I can see all the games, and everything else works in attract mode, but the games won't launch! I have tried launching some games through only Rocketlauncher, and it works, with all the splash-screens and everything.
What should I do? I have come to the conclusion that the fault lies in Attract-Mode. It is a very good program and everything worked in the beginning as said, but something just went wrong.
My system:
i5 750 @3.2GHz
ASUS p7p55d-e
8GB Hyperx 1600MHz
Hyperx 120GB SSD
4 other harddrives
HIS iceq x HD 6870
Windows 7 64-bit