leaving aside your problem and without trying to offend you, I'll tell you that your paths seem the worst choice that can be made on a PC:

On disk C:, only the operating system. The data always in another. The viruses damage the system in C:, but your data, and in this case, your AM system would survive.
If you only have one hard drive, make two partitions, the s.o. to C: and data to D: (For example the aimp music player in C:\Program files\aimp\aimp.exe and the music in D:\my_music\files.mp3. The first site where a malware will go to erase your music will be in C:\Users\user\music and C:\my music

And if you do not know how to do it, or do not want to, at least do not put anything on the desktop other than shortcuts. Your system will thank you and go more fluid. The desk is the worst place in the world to store anything. It is as if all the furniture in your house you put in the hall of the house
Best choice: D:\Attract
Worst choice: C:\Attract
Bad idea C:\users\user\desktop\Attract
Very bad idea C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\Attract
Now, everyone in their house does what they want...