Hi, I also noticed buggy behaviour when using the prev/next letter custom keybindings in my gamelists.
I'm using a modified "At-the-Arcade flex" layout with a self compiled attractplus from github though. (which seems to have patched in a "case-insensitive romlist sorting" lately)
Looking at the C++ code, I found a "_sort_regexp;^(Vs\. The |The |Vs\. )" which basically chops this off game titles, before the sorting starts.
The base functionality is working fine, only displaying the "letter" images didn't account for this chopping, so I also saw several "T" images in a row, with game titles starting with "The ..."
My layout.nut fix is rather simple (just using the same regex before slicing in the first Letter image):
fe.add_ticks_callback( "letter_tick" );
function letter_tick( ttime )
glob_time = ttime;
if( glob_time - rtime > glob_delay ) {
letters.visible = false; // hide letter search if present
if( trigger_letter == true ) {
local firstl = fe.game_info(Info.Title).tolower();
local ex = regexp("^vs\\. the |^the |^vs\\. ");
local res = ex.search(firstl)
if (res != null) {
firstl = firstl.slice(res.end,firstl.len());
if( my_config["letters_type"] != "No" ) {
if( my_config["letters_type"] == "Default" ) {
letters.file_name = FeConfigDirectory + "gtc-common/letters/default/" + firstl.slice(0,1) + ".png";
} else {//by system display name
letters.file_name = FeConfigDirectory + "gtc-common/letters/" + fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name + "/" + firstl.slice(0,1) + ".png";
letters.visible = true;
trigger_letter = false;
greetz, stamina