Author Topic: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout  (Read 6976 times)


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I've added the HUD 1.0.0 layout in my ~/.attract/layouts directory, and a intro.mp4 video in my ~/.attract/intro directory. I've also got to Displays->Displays Menu Options and set Menu Style/Layout to HUD 1.0.0. When I start AttractMode I don't see the video and I still have the pacman layout displayed.

I'm a total n00b when it comes to AttractMode, so I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Do these files need special permissions? Do I have to modify any settings or configuration files? Are there limitations on what the Linux version can do?

This is on Mint Linux 19.

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2018, 11:24:08 PM »
I've added the HUD 1.0.0 layout in my ~/.attract/layouts directory, and a intro.mp4 video in my ~/.attract/intro directory. I've also got to Displays->Displays Menu Options and set Menu Style/Layout to HUD 1.0.0. When I start AttractMode I don't see the video and I still have the pacman layout displayed.

I'm a total n00b when it comes to AttractMode, so I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Do these files need special permissions? Do I have to modify any settings or configuration files? Are there limitations on what the Linux version can do?

This is on Mint Linux 19.

Any help is appreciated.

1. The "Displays Menu" is a main menu of systems and not for the specific systems/emulators/displays
2. Artwork and videos for the "Displays Menu" needs to be stored in ~/.attract/menu-art/
3. No special permissions are needed as long as you installed AttractMode as the same user that is try to run it (i.e. not installed as "root" and trying to run it as "joe".
4. different layout/themes might call the artwork by different names, make sure you adjust the layout.nut file for your artwork naming convention or use the artwork naming convention provided in the default layout.nut (i.e. some people call videos "snaps" while other might call them "videos".
5. make sure you enabled the intro video to be run (Configure-->Intro-->Play Intro = Yes) and make sure your have the right settings for the other options in this menu.

There really shouldn't be any limitations when running AttractMode on Linux. They are more likely configuration issues or possibly bugs.

If these suggestions don't help you fix your issue, post your ~/.attract/attract.cfg file so we can take a look.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 11:33:11 PM by progets »


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2018, 05:50:02 PM »
Thanks for the information. I was able to get the layouts and intro video working.

For the intro, I had to put the full path to the mp4 file. It didn't default to looking in $HOME/.attract/intro.

For the layouts, I didn't realize that they were on an emulator basis. Once I figured that out I was able to get the layouts working.

Now I have another "dilemma" :)

The layouts don't appear to be picking up the boxart that I have for my roms. The images are named the same as the roms, the "flyer" setting is pointing to the directory where the boxart is (should I add an artwork item?) Basically, I need to know where the layout is trying to find the boxart, etc.

...and the last thing. In the UI1.0.0 layout MAME is being identified as an unknown system. The system identifier is set to Arcade (the default) and I don't know what the layout is looking for to identify MAME.

Thanks for the help!!!


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2018, 10:18:03 PM »
The layouts don't appear to be picking up the boxart that I have for my roms. The images are named the same as the roms, the "flyer" setting is pointing to the directory where the boxart is (should I add an artwork item?) Basically, I need to know where the layout is trying to find the boxart, etc.

Each layout defines what the artwork fields will be called it's layout.nut file. For boxes people usually use "flyer", "box" or "boxart" but it could really be anything. If you provide the name of the layout or the layout.nut file we can give you a more specific answer. Also, keep in mind that not every layout is created to show boxart.

...and the last thing. In the UI1.0.0 layout MAME is being identified as an unknown system. The system identifier is set to Arcade (the default) and I don't know what the layout is looking for to identify MAME.

I have never heard of or seen a "UI1.0.0" layout. I think you might mean "HUD 1.0.0", if this is the case the person that made this layout didn't include any type or MAME or Arcade game systems (which is unusual) and that is why you see "unknown system". You could ask the author to add these types of systems to the layout or modify the layout yourself to include them.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2018, 10:19:54 PM by progets »


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2018, 12:05:30 AM »
Each layout defines what the artwork fields will be called it's layout.nut file. For boxes people usually use "flyer", "box" or "boxart" but it could really be anything. If you provide the name of the layout or the layout.nut file we can give you a more specific answer. Also, keep in mind that not every layout is created to show boxart.

I have never heard of or seen a "UI1.0.0" layout. I think you might mean "HUD 1.0.0", if this is the case the person that made this layout didn't include any type or MAME or Arcade game systems (which is unusual) and that is why you see "unknown system". You could ask the author to add these types of systems to the layout or modify the layout yourself to include them.

I will take a look at the nut file and see if I can identify what it's looking for and come back here if I have issues.

Yes, you're right. It's the HUD 1.0.0 layout I was referring to. I'll let the author know about this suggestion.

Thanks again!


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2018, 06:34:51 PM »
Yes! I have Attract Mode set up with MAME, showing videosnaps, snaps and marquees and manufacturers logos with the robospin layout!

I have one more question for this thread...

This layout shows a "?" graphic near the bottom left corner of the screen. I assume that this is a game category icon, and since MAME doesn't categorize the games it shows the default "unknown" graphic.

Is it possible to add an "Arcade" genre with an accompanying graphic that would appear for MAME?  I know I could just change the image for the "unknown" graphic, but I'd rather do it right.

I see in the .nut file a section for Genre image, but I'm not sure what I can put here that would match with MAME arcade games.

Code: [Select]
"action": [ "action" ],
"adventure": [ "adventure" ],
"fighting": [ "fighting", "fighter", "beat'em up" ],

You'll notice that "fighting", for example, has a match for the genre "fighting", "fighter", "beat'em up"... If I added an "arcade" genre, what would I match for MAME Arcade roms?


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2018, 09:53:25 PM »
MAME does use categories, maybe you just don't have the information in your arcade.txt romlist.


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Re: N00B - AttractMode 2.4.1 on Linux not playing intro, nor changing layout
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2018, 09:54:33 AM »
I did some more digging and it looks like I was missing an import file. Now Genres are working in MAME.

Thanks everyone!