Author Topic: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME  (Read 9877 times)


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Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« on: October 31, 2018, 06:53:41 PM »
Hello again!

Now that I have AttractMode, MAME and robospin working really well I'd like to set up some consoles and computers to launch from AttractMode and emulate with MAME.

I've been able to get AttractMode to work with separate emulators (Like Stella for the Atari 2600), but I would like to use the emulation in MAME.

I think that my biggest issue is that all of my roms are in a single directory, so that my TRS-80 roms are mixed with the Arcade roms and my C64 roms, etc. I'm really hoping that I don't have dig through the roms directory and take out the roms that I want to list separately.

Can AttractMode differenciate between Arcade roms and computer roms and console roms?

One reason that I'm asking is that, for example, I have a rom file. I can run it if I use the command line "mame TRS80" and it works. It does NOT appear in AttractMode when I'm scrolling through my MAME arcade games. Why is this rom different from from an arcade rom?

So, in short, Can I set up a "Computers" emulator in AttractMode using MAME without having to separate my rom files?



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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 07:29:44 PM »
I think one of my issues is that MAME expects a "MAME" romset and not just any set of roms. The romset I have works with Stella, but MAME doesn't seem to like a lot of the roms. I can get MAME to play some of the Atari 2600 roms, for example, but not all of them.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2018, 10:11:53 PM » is an operating system and not a game. Running it just gives you the OS command line.

All versions of MAME are expecting matching MAME rom sets (it uses checksums). When using MAME you need to tell it how to launch the various systems via the command line. Below are some examples using MAME roms.

Atari 2600
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.1
executable           \Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe
args                 a2600 -cart "[romfilename]"
rompath              \Roms\MAME\Software List\a2600
romext               .zip
system               a2600
info_source          listsoftware
import_extras        .\extras\catver.ini

Nintendo Entertainment System
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.1
executable           \Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe
args                 nes -cart "[romfilename]"
rompath              \Roms\MAME\Software List\nes
romext               .zip
system               nes
info_source          listsoftware
import_extras        .\extras\catver.ini

Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.1
executable           \Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe
args                 psx -cdrm "name\[romfilename]"
rompath              \Roms\MAME\Software List CHD\psx\
romext               .chd
system               psx
info_source          listsoftware
import_extras        .\extras\catver.ini

You can use roms all in one directory but it would be messy and more difficult to configure. Especially when building your romlists. Your time would be better spent organizing your games. You can also use a tool like cmpro64 to help you get your roms into a proper MAME rom set.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 10:41:03 PM by progets »


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2018, 05:52:22 AM »
You could export softwAre list (I think mame includes it pre-generated now), and import that into a romlist. Shouldn’t be an issue I would think.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2018, 10:35:38 AM »
You could export softwAre list (I think mame includes it pre-generated now), and import that into a romlist. Shouldn’t be an issue I would think.

If his roms aren't from a MAME rom set, the rom names won't match the xml files.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 12:02:49 PM by progets »


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2018, 12:41:00 PM »
You could export softwAre list (I think mame includes it pre-generated now), and import that into a romlist. Shouldn’t be an issue I would think.

If his roms aren't from a MAME rom set, the rom names won't match the xml files.

Yeah, no good if that’s the case. No good. Always keep mame roms separate, preferably in mame/roms directory.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2018, 03:52:31 PM » is an operating system and not a game. Running it just gives you the OS command line.

All versions of MAME are expecting matching MAME rom sets (it uses checksums). When using MAME you need to tell it how to launch the various systems via the command line. Below are some examples using MAME roms.

Nintendo Entertainment System
Code: [Select]
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.1
executable           \Emulators\MAME\mame64.exe
args                 nes -cart "[romfilename]"
rompath              \Roms\MAME\Software List\nes
romext               .zip
system               nes
info_source          listsoftware
import_extras        .\extras\catver.ini

Thanks... Atari 2600 is working, but for some reason MAME won't look in the correct location for the NES roms. I get a File not found error. AttractMode won't start any of the NES roms.

To start a NES cartridge from the command line I need to  use  mame nes -cart $HOME/emu/nes/roms/ Yes, I've edited the mame.ini file to include the path to my NES roms. I've also got the correct path in AttractMode.

...and a side question. I don't have the "import_extras" field in my emulator setup. What is it for? Not sure if it matters but I'm running under Linux.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2018, 04:55:07 PM »
Thanks... Atari 2600 is working, but for some reason MAME won't look in the correct location for the NES roms. I get a File not found error. AttractMode won't start any of the NES roms.

To start a NES cartridge from the command line I need to  use  mame nes -cart $HOME/emu/nes/roms/ Yes, I've edited the mame.ini file to include the path to my NES roms. I've also got the correct path in AttractMode.

...and a side question. I don't have the "import_extras" field in my emulator setup. What is it for? Not sure if it matters but I'm running under Linux.

You haven't told MAME where your NES roms are located. Either run MAME or manually edit the mame.ini file to add the additional file paths to your "rompath" field for NES roms and/or any other roms that aren't in the same location as your regular MAME/Arcade roms.

"import_extras        .\extras\catver.ini" is needed to get the MAME game genres/categories when using "info_source          listsoftware" to build your romlists in AttractMode. Without it your romlist won't contain the genre/category information for the games.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2018, 06:55:14 PM »
So you do have mame romset? I assume so because your using mame to run them. Dump them all in the roms folder like mame recommends and just use software list. No messing with ini files.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2018, 07:42:38 PM »
So you do have mame romset? I assume so because your using mame to run them. Dump them all in the roms folder like mame recommends and just use software list. No messing with ini files.

All your roms in one folder for mame software list games isn't a good idea. You wouldn't be able to update them easily. The mame arcade roms and software list roms are usually stored separately and they are also updated separately.


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Re: Setting up consoles and computers in Attract Mode using MAME
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2018, 09:59:16 AM »
So... All my non MAME roms are in their own directories. I've set up separate emulators in AttractMode all using MAME and different ROM paths. Most of them work. A couple seem to ignore the ROM path - For some reason MAME won't run NES unless I put the full path in the arguments.

At this point the only thing I wish I could do is separate the Arcade games from the other ROMs in my MAME ROMs directory, but I can live with it the way it is.

Thanks for all the help folks!