Id like to think that I pick things up quick computerwise, but for the life of me I can't get a grasp on lists and favorites. Could someone post a couple of their examples? For example in mame, i like only 1981 games. How would I go about that? Thanks for your time!
Hey there,
For your example with mame, you would create a filter in the list's configuration with a rule that "Year" equals "1981".
So here is what it looks like in the attract.cfg file. This is the config for one list named Arcade that uses the mame romlist. It has three filters ("All", "Favourites" and "1981"):
list Arcade
layout orbit
romlist mame
filter All
filter Favourites
rule Favourite equals 1
filter 1981
rule Year equals 1981
In the controls configuration, you can map the "Next Filter" and "Previous Filter" actions to a key or button and then cycle between the various filters that you have for a particular list...
You also mentioned favourites, there is an "Add/Remove Favourite" action that can be mapped which is used to mark a game as a favourite. The "Favourites" filter will show only the games that you have marked as favs...
hope this helps.