Hi new attract mode user here, can someone help me regarding adding wheel art to nevato theme?
I have downloaded a wheel pack for Sega genesis off the hyperspin website, the files are in swf format.
My roms will need to be renamed to match the files, I have renamed a few roms to see if I can get the wheel art to work but I just have the question mark icons, I have put the files in the menu-art wheel folder with correct path in the displays menu.
Are the hyperspin swf files compatible?
When searching on Google i see reference to hyperspin wheel art for attract mode
I cannot use the built in scraper as its not working at the moment so I'm trying the manual route just to get something looking good.
Apologies if it's an obvious fix or been asked before
I tried the search but couldn't find anything.
Many thanks
.swf files are ShockWave files and they are used in Hyperspin for themes/layouts. These are not the files you want for wheel images, you want .png files. These HS themes can be used in AM (with limited success with the hyperspin.nut) when configured properly but they aren't the files you want for wheels in Attract-Mode.
Only artwork for the "Displays Menu" are typically stored in the "menu-art" subfolders. Artwork for the games of a system can be stored anywhere are are defined in the /attract/emulators/<system_name>.cfg file which you can manually modify or configure through the GUI using Configure-->Emulators--><system_name>--><artwork_type>=<path_to_artwork>.
sample of a emulator.cfg (path can be based on the root of the volume (like below), full paths or relative paths)
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.5.1
executable \Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe
args -f -L cores\picodrive_libretro.dll "[romfilename]"
rompath \Roms\Sega Genesis
romext .gen
system Sega Genesis
info_source thegamesdb.net
artwork boxart \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Box_3D;\EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Box
artwork boxbackart \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\BoxBack
artwork cartart \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Cart
artwork fanart \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Background
artwork marquee \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Banner
artwork snap \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Video_MP4_HI_QUAL;\EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Snap
artwork title \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Title
artwork wheel \EmuMovies\Sega_Genesis\Logos
You can get the correct wheel images from the HS website here
https://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/10833-default-sega-genesis-game-wheel-pack/. I think you need to be logged in (just with a free account) to download them.
There are many free tools to rename your images (and/or roms) here are a few (again you'll need to be logged in with at least a free account)
https://hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/5603-tur-matcher/ and
https://emumovies.com is a great place to get all the artwork. A free account there can download 100 files/500 MB per day (paid accounts can download more).