hy guys , I got to do the running AM diretcly on the dvd our pendrive
...thaks for he help
this is the arguments
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.2.0-1
executable ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/advmame.exe
args [name]
rompath ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/roms
romext .zip;.7z;.rar;<DIR>
system MAME
info_source thegamesdb.net
artwork flyer ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/flyers
artwork marquee ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/marquees
artwork snap ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/videos
artwork wheel ../../atraact mode teste/emulators/MAME/wheels