Author Topic: Running Attract Mode through Steam (RESOLVED)  (Read 2951 times)


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Running Attract Mode through Steam (RESOLVED)
« on: January 03, 2020, 05:48:13 PM »
I am attempting to run AttractMode through Steam as a non-steam application.

I am doing this so I can leverage Steam Controller profiles.

Unfortunately, when I go to launch any game it fails to do so, the log shows it running the command, but nothing happens.

Code: [Select]
- Working directory: U:\Emulation\MAME_LOVE
*** Running: U:\Emulation\MAME_LOVE\mame64.exe sokyugrt
 - Working directory: U:\Emulation\MAME_LOVE
*** Running: U:\Emulation\MAME_LOVE\mame64.exe s1945

When running AttractMode outside of Steam, everything launches properly.


The problem lies within MAME, not AttractMode.  In order to launch MAME appropriately through stream you must use these commandline arguments.

Code: [Select]
-joystickprovider xinput -keyboardprovider win32 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 12:43:57 AM by RoughDuck »