@ Watanabe666
I have watched your video. There are three videos files shown : "Initializing System 1", "Thunder Heroes" and "Call of Juarez".
I think there are two differences for using videos (referring to your example video):
"Initializing System 1" is a intro video. It starts, when frontend starts
"Thunder Heroes" and "Call of Juazes" are video snaps. Within the frontend, it is played if belonged game comes in game wheel.
>Intro Video:
You can add your own intro videos here :
Start AM > press TAB key > Intro > Play Intro : Yes
Start AM > press TAB key > Intro > Default Video : your_intro.mp4
Start AM > press TAB key > Intro > 16:9 video : your_intro.mp4
and so on
Next time you start AM, your intro video starts
>video snaps:
I'm using the attractman layout for zsnes.
My config is:executable C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe
args -m "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\roms
romext .smc
system Super Nintendo (SNES)
info_source thegamesdb.net
exit_hotkey Escape
artwork marquee C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\marquee
artwork snap C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\flyer;C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\videos
on top : marquee graphics are shown
on right : flyer graphics are shown; if available video files are played
See folder:
there are folder : marquee, videos, flyer
the graphics need the same name like romfile (e.g. : mygame123.smc => mygame123.png)
same with videos : mygame123.mp4
copy marquee graphics to marquee folder
copy flyer graphics to flyer folder
copy video files to video folder
If you move over specific game, video file is played