Hello all guys !!
I having some troubles running PS2 games on Attract Mode using PCSX2 .
I just know how to create a shortcuts for a ps2 game with PER-GAME config. then i did modify the ps2.ini emulators like this :
executable cmd
args /c "[romfilename]"
rompath S:\Emulazione\ROMS\PS2Shortcuts\
romext .lnk
system Sony Playstation 2
artwork flyer
artwork snap
the game start, but when i press esc button, Attract mode maximize again , but PCSX2 doesn't quit and if i choose another game i will have two instances of PCSX2 ...
I have tried a frontend for PCSX2 called SPECTABIS, that allow to launch games with own configs . This Frontend also allows to create a BATCH file or a shortcut to launch a config. So i have modified again the emulator ini , but now , i have only one instance of the game, but the focus remain on Attract mode and the game runs in back ground ...
do you have any idea how to solve ??
Thank you for your answer ... Cheers