Read the file using squirrel standard library. May I ask what you are trying to do?
I'm updating the LEDBlinky plugin so it correctly passes events to LEDBlinky. If I can get this working I'll add AM as a front-end that's natively supported by LEDBlinky (I'm the dev). The last issue I'm having with the plugin is that when AM is configured to show the Displays menu on startup (startup_mode = displays_menu), the plugin receives two back-to-back Transition.ToNewList callbacks on startup, the first is for the selected item (display) in the list and the second is for the Displays menu itself. I don't want the plugin to pass the first (bogus) ToNewList transition to LEDBlinky. The only way I can see making this work is if the plugin knows how the startup_mode is set, which is why I need to read the value from the attract.cfg file. I was hoping the config values were stored in a table that was included in the fe object, but I guess I'll have to manually parse the file.
Can you point me to any docs or examples for using the squirrel standard library to read a file? Thanks!