Like many others, i have startede out with Rey's 128GB Image. I'm Building on from that. A I have a few questions which I can not find answers to. And I hope therefore that you can help me:
-Is it possible to create a folder called "Collections" where you can put all the Collections into. Like Disney, Turtles, and so on?
-How do i add Kodi to the Wheel in Attract Mode like in this video? the bottom of the screen when you use RoboSpin. Are there at most systems a bar at the bottom of the screen where it says the year, name and how many games there are in the folder. However, in some of the folders/systems, there is no bar in the bottom. How do you add it?
-Is it possible to change "Exit" i the main Wheel to "Shutdown" so it will shut down the Pi. In stead of going in to setup ?