Hey i just spend the last 3 days creating steam video snaps for some of the games i have on my windows arcade cabinet. Note with creating i mean searching for videos on youtube of people playing the games i have on my cabinet and then creating 1-2 minute gameplay snaps out of them. I have done about 50 of them. you can get these snaps here
https://mega.nz/fm/wtZCxB7B and see a showcase video of them being used on my arcade cabinet here
https://youtu.be/UDz0gBL1OGM . The files are named after the steam app id (as is used with attractmode). But i placed a txt file with each video containing the name of the game according to steam. My arcade cabinet has more videos than shared but they are not of great quality as i did not have the original files saved so can not redo them and some come from emumovies so can not really share those either. But these last 50 ones i did save the original files.
Also i'm no expert on video encoding etc but i basically saved the edited youtube video in 720p at full quality and the let them pas through ffmpeg. Maybe some of you have some use for them.
Also if you are interested in seeing these games run on an arcade cabinet I have a steam curator where i test these games and mention which ones work and how many buttons the game need as well as a youtube channel mentioning the same thing but also showing the games in action.
Steam curator:
https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38318244-Arcade-Cabinet-Gamers/The arcade cabinet gamers, Youtube channel: