I try make this but dont work propely

In fact it works more or less, the submenus are created and access the submenus ok they work and read the files ok, the problem is the
AM having is that not reading the artworks of the "Magazines" wheels or boxart or snap or anything, before read ok but now was and out of nowhere the arts of this system stopped appearing Magazines... Where is the error?
Magazines.txt (roms)
ACAO GAMES;ACAO GAMES;@;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Super Game Power;Super Game Power;@;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Blip (US);Blip (US);Magazines;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable M:\ARCADE\Ultilites\CDisplayEx\CDisplayEx.exe
args "[romfilename]"
system Magazines
artwork boxart M:\Media\Magazines\Images\Artwork4
artwork cartart M:\Media\Magazines\Images\Artwork3
artwork snap M:\Media\Magazines\Video
artwork wheel M:\Media\Magazines\Images\Wheel
display ACAO GAMES
romlist ACAO GAMES
in_cycle yes
in_menu no
filter All
filter Favourites
rule Favourite equals 1
display Super Game Power
layout Super Game Power
romlist Super Game Power
in_cycle yes
in_menu no
filter All
filter Favourites
rule Favourite equals 1
display Magazines
layout Magazines
romlist Magazines
in_cycle yes
in_menu yes
filter All
filter Favourites
rule Favourite equals 1