I'm creating a system with AM + RL and I'm having a problem configuring the RL, if I put the absolute address it works, but I wanted something more dynamic and portable. In the code below, how do I dynamically leave the "-p AttractMode -f attract.exe" part? I've tried everything... $HOME, $PROGDIR, ../ and nothing.
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.7.0
executable emulators/rocketlauncher/RocketLauncher.exe
args -s "MAME" -r [name] -p AttractMode -f attract.exe
rompath roms/arcade/
romext .zip;.7z
system Arcade
info_source listxml
artwork flyer roms/arcade/medium_artwork/cover
artwork marquee roms/arcade/medium_artwork/logo
artwork snap roms/arcade/medium_artwork/video
artwork wheel roms/arcade/medium_artwork/logo