Just giving a status update on my modules and what I'm attempting to accomplish..
Phase 1: XML Layouts - file-layout ( 75% )
My current WIP is a good bit better than what's included with AM right now, but not quite ready for primetime. It allows you to create layouts with XML, use included XML files, and include standard as well as custom objects, and add animations to the objects. Lots of bug fixes to work on, but getting there. I've put loading other themes on the backburner, but will revisit it at some point. The updated version should make it a little easier to do this, but the focus right now is AM XML.
Note you will still be able to include and interact with scripts, but the idea is to get the UI creation in XML, and handle everything else in the script.
Sample XML:
<layout width="1280" height="720">
<include type="script">script.nut</include>
<state id="show" alpha="255" />
<state id="hide" alpha="0" />
<macro id="move" from="offscreen" to="primary" />
<image id="bg" file_name="AttractMode\test\lines.png" x="0" y="0" width="1280" height="720" red="255" />
<view id="list" x="25" y="50" width="436" height="625">
<animate id="slide_in" type="PropertyAnimation" delay="2s" duration="3s" triggers="[Transition.StartLayout]">
<from x="-500" alpha="100" />
<to x="25" alpha="255" />
<rect id="list_rect" x="0" y="0" width="436" height="625" red="125" border="5" border_red="200" />
<listbox x="5" y="10" width="426" height="600" selbg_red="200" charsize="16" />
<include type="xml" file_name="[SharedPath]\views\simple.xml">
<override id="simple" x="550" y="50" index_offset="-1" bg_red="200" bg_green="0" bg_blue="0" />
<override id="title" bg_red="200" bg_blue="0" />
<include id="box" type="xml" file_name="[SharedPath]\views\art_reflection.xml">
<override id="reflection" x="475" y="372" />
<scrollingtext x="0" y="10" width="[fe.layout.width]" height="30" scroll_type="0" bg_red="0" bg_green="0" bg_blue="0" red="200" blue="200" green="200" msg="[Year] ©[Manufacturer] [Category]" />
<image id="logo" file_name="[SharedPath]/images/logo.png" x="840" y="520" width="400" height="175">
<animate type="PropertyAnimation" delay="1.5s" duration="5s" from="show" to="hide" triggers="[Transition.StartLayout]" />
<animate type="PropertyAnimation" delay="1.5s" duration="5s" easing="ease-out-elastic" triggers="[Transition.StartLayout]">
<from scale="1.0" />
<to scale="2" />
<grid id="grid" x="50" y="50" width="512" height="512" />
<wheel id="wheel" x="50" y="50" width="400" height="300" />
<overrides emulators="fceux" aspect="16x9">
<override id="box" x="475" y="500" />
<include type="xml" file_name="[SharedPath]\views\simple_group.xml" />
<image id="genre" x="890" y="480" width="200" height="100" preserve_aspect_ratio="true" file_name="[!check_category]" />
<include type="xml" file_name="[SharedPath]\views\simple_group.xml" />
<image id="genre" file_name="[Category].png" x="600" y="200" width="400" height="170" />
Phase 2: Animate v2 ( 60% )
I have a redesigned version of the animate module. I'm going to do my best to make it backwards compatible, but there's a decent amount of changes. Animations are now created with a single, chainable function - something like:
.debug( true )
.target( art )
.set({ x = 0, y = 0, preserve_aspect_ratio = true })
.triggers( [ Transition.ToNewSelection ] )
.from( { x = 0, y = 0 } )
.to( { x = 100, y = 100 } )
.easing( Easing.OutElastic )
.easingReverse( Easing.InElastic )
.on( "stop", anim_complete );
I based a lot of it on the Tweene javascript project:
http://tweene.com/html/docs/Again, still a little buggy for public release, but it adds quite a bit more flexibility from the old animate module.
Phase 3: Objects ( 40% )
Along with XML, I want it to be easier for developers to create some reusable objects. I tried this before with ExtendedObjects but it got a little confusing. I've rethought the design and it's working pretty good with a few test objects like Rect and View. I've even started creating Controls ( Buttons, Checkboxes ) for down the roadmap. Ideally I also want a couple standard objects like Grid/Tiles and a Wheel object.
Phase 4: Switchable Views ( TBD )
Once layouts can be created with XML and custom objects, I plan on allowing you to create switchable views ( screens ), so you could say - click a game, it animates to the game info screen, click back it animates back to the game selection screen. This is somewhat implemented with XML and Objects now, but still early prototyping.
Phase 5: Shareable Content ( TBD )
With all this in place, the idea is to be able to share content within different layouts - custom objects, a part of a layout ( in xml ), shaders, animations, and more.
Off topic: Now that search ability is in the current development branch, I've got a close to working onscreen keyboard that implements it.. coming soon
Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions!