Retro Gui AM Theme.
Years ago I saw the Retro Gui theme of Nexus6 for MALA, and I liked its retro and simple style so much that I started to try MALA. Very little time, because I got fed up with him.
Well, the fact is that after re-encoding the Ring Blue for AM, I remembered the RetroGui theme, I searched my old hard drives and found the original layout, so I've also recoded it for AM, even changing the way the backgrounds are displayed of the machines.
It works in 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10. The layout checks the screen resolution and depending on it, loads some graphics or others. For my part I have checked it in 1440x900 (16:10), 1920x1080 (16:9) and 1024x768 (4:3) and it works perfectly.
In addition to the original listbox, I have added a shuffle option, for those who prefer it, and another option to use scanlines in the videos of the games. I have also put the search system without keyboard and the option to align the lists to the left, right or center. And finally there is another option to see more data of the games or leave it as the original layout.
I have not wanted to add any type of marquee or any other graphic to respect as much as possible the original design, which in the end, is what attracted my attention.
I do not think that it will be used by many people, but as of MALA there is no web, official forum, or anything, I did not want to let that RetroGui die that I liked so much in his day. Today I still like it, but technically it is already very much surpassed.
You can download it here:!Wkdl2CjQ!QnC1vMRNxXlJV2kiXAdDM99WRsirikXnNKVLcpCSzdEHere is a screenshot:

And finally, the video is here: