Author Topic: Change Game Controller?  (Read 7566 times)


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Change Game Controller?
« on: November 30, 2016, 03:21:56 PM »
I have setup Attract Mode to use a Nintendo wired controller & would like to use a different wired controller, but I'm not sure how to do it.  I attempted to reboot with the new controller plugged in, but nothing happened (I had thought perhaps it would recognize a new controller and I could configure it?) and I had to switch back to the old controller to move around.

Any help?  Thanks in advance (I did search for old topics, but could not find an answer).


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2016, 04:26:47 PM »
You have a few options:
1. connect a keyboard and your new controller and use the keyboard to navigate and configure your new controller
2. make a copy of /attract/attract.cfg and make your changes for the controller in this file. Once you are done you can switch between your original attract.cfg (when using your NES controller) and your new copy of attract.cfg (when using your new controller).
3. edit /attract/attract.cfg and remark out the lines for your old controller and add the lines for your new controller.


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2016, 04:36:21 PM »
Thanks for responding with help. 

If I choose #1, do I need to exit Attract Mode and get back to Emulation Station > Retropie & configure from there?

#2 & #3 are beyond my capabilities.   I was thinking I could always start from scratch and re format the SD card (but after moving all the roms over etc, I was hoping for an easier answer). 

Again, thanks for the help.


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2016, 06:50:16 PM »
Thanks for responding with help. 

If I choose #1, do I need to exit Attract Mode and get back to Emulation Station > Retropie & configure from there?

#2 & #3 are beyond my capabilities.   I was thinking I could always start from scratch and re format the SD card (but after moving all the roms over etc, I was hoping for an easier answer). 

Again, thanks for the help.

No, just run Attract-Mode with a keyboard and your new controller connected. Some of the keyboard commands you'll need are:
Tab key = configure
arrow keys = navigate
Esc key = go back
Enter key = select


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2016, 04:55:48 AM »
Thank you, I do appreciate the help, I have plugged in the new controller & keyboard.  I can manuever to get into Tab > Configure > Controls.  But from there I'm stuck.  Nothing happens when I attempt to alter any of the commands.  As an example - if I move the selector to "Back (Exit (Confirm))" and I press a button on the controller, nothing happens.

Is there a step I'm missing?  I also scrolled down to "Next Display" and attempted to use a key on the keyboard, but again, nothing happens......... Is there an edit mode I'm missing?

Thanks again.


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2016, 10:39:52 AM »
Is there a step I'm missing?

Enter key = select

Highlight the control you want to change and press the "Enter" key.


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2016, 11:35:30 AM »
Thank you.


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2016, 04:43:12 AM »
For some reason, I’m struggling to get game controllers to work in Attract Mode that work in Retropie 4.1.

I built an arcade for my son and used (2) Easy get controllers and joystick / buttons.  Everything works fine in Retropie.  Last night I used a new RPi and 32gb SD chip with Attract Mode loaded.  I went thru the setup of the controller when I started the system (everything went as normal).  However, when I then launched Attract Mode, the buttons would not work.  The Joystick seemed OK (scrolling thru Attract Mode), but when I opened a game, I could not get “start”, “select”, “A”, “B” or any of the buttons to work.
I then went back to the old SD card & everything works fine in Retropie (no Attract Mode software loaded).

Has anyone else seen this?


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Re: Change Game Controller?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2016, 07:33:14 PM »
The information I provided is just for configuring controls in Attract-Mode. You also need to configure your controls for the emulators you are using. You can use EmulationStation and run configure input to setup your controls for the emulators.