Attract Mode 2.41 on macOS High Sierra
I have added an emulator and display for Mac Games, this is to launch App Store Games and Games in the /Applications folder. Mainly to have Zen Pinball 2 running from Attract Mode
I am launching them via /bin/bash and a .sh rom file with a path in it.
I can successfully launch the game but it exits back to the desktop and Attract Mode is as if minimised or in the background, when I click on Attract Mode it opens again, it seems that Attract Mode doesnt know that Zen Pinball has closed.
The Exit Emulator button doesn't work. NB Mode Wait set to 1, if 0 then the Game launches in the background.
Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening? Any suggestions please are welcomed.
More details below
Mac Games.cfg
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.4.1
executable /bin/bash
args "[romfilename]"
rompath /Volumes/Roms/macgames
romext .sh
system Mac Games
nb_mode_wait 1
artwork boxart /Volumes/Roms/macgames/boxart
artwork cartart /Volumes/Roms/macgames/cartart
artwork flyer /Volumes/Roms/macgames/flyer
artwork marquee /Volumes/Roms/macgames/marquee
artwork snap /Volumes/Roms/macgames/snap
artwork wheel /Volumes/Roms/macgames/wheel
Here is the contents of the Zen Pinball
open -a "Zen Pinball 2"
Here is the Terminal details when running in console mode;
Alexs-iMac:~ alexmartens$ /Applications/
Attract-Mode v2.4.1 (OSX, SFML 2.4 +SWF)
avcodec 58.18.100 / avformat 58.12.100 / swscale 5.1.100 / avutil 56.14.100 / swresample 3.1.100
Warning: Attract-Mode was compiled to look for its default configuration files in: ../config/, which is not available.
Config: /Users/alexmartens/.attract/attract.cfg
Error loading language resource file: en
*** Initializing display: 'Computers'
- Loaded master romlist 'Computers' in 0 ms (9 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (18 comparisons)
! Unexpectedly lost focus to: Unknown
*** WARNING: PreserveArt module version mismatch.
*** PreserveArt version installed: 1.1
*** PanAndScan expecting version: 1
- Loaded layout: /Users/alexmartens/.attract/layouts/HP2-Sub-Menu/ (layout.nut)
- Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (12 comparisons)
- Loaded layout: /Users/alexmartens/.attract/layouts/HP2-Main-Menu/ (layout.nut)
*** Initializing display: 'Computers'
- Loaded master romlist 'Computers' in 0 ms (9 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (18 comparisons)
*** WARNING: PreserveArt module version mismatch.
*** PreserveArt version installed: 1.1
*** PanAndScan expecting version: 1
- Loaded layout: /Users/alexmartens/.attract/layouts/HP2-Sub-Menu/ (layout.nut)
*** Initializing display: 'Mac Games'
- Loaded master romlist 'Mac Games' in 0 ms (8 entries kept, 0 discarded)
- Constructed 2 filters in 0 ms (16 comparisons)
- Loaded layout: /Users/alexmartens/.attract/layouts/HP2-Systems-Menu/ (layout.nut)
- Working directory: /bin
*** Running: /bin/bash "/Volumes/Roms/macgames/Zen Pinball"
! Unexpectedly lost focus to: Unknown
here is a Youtube Vide0 only goes for a few seconds of the error;