Author Topic: Gun Game Theme Discussion  (Read 4566 times)


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Gun Game Theme Discussion
« on: June 16, 2017, 07:03:07 AM »
Hey guys,
I have been running AM with groovymame on one of my cabs for a while now. I figured AM is a good option for this next project I will be working on. I am running  through ideas on a theme that would fit a gun game cabinet. I have a Target Terror Gold cab with a trisync CRT. It currently runs the game dedicated now. I am planning to also set this cab up with a PC running arcade shooters in it as well.

For theme I was originally thinking something like a 3x3 tile type arrangement showing the marquees or video snaps and then have a next/previous page button too. The game list won't be huge as there aren't nearly the amount of gun games as other games out there.  The thought was shoot the game you wanted to play and launch it. This is assuming the guns act like a mouse in windows, which I believe they should based on my research.

That's my rough draft idea. Would like to get feedback from other on how to make this work well.



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Re: Gun Game Theme Discussion
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 03:51:19 PM »
My idea for a gun cab would be to keep it simple. Divide screen vertically in thirds. Shoot the left side of screen to change to previous game. Shoot the right side of the screen to change to the next. Shoot the center to select game. I don't think attractmode has a way to integrate gun/mouse yet. Possibly use auto hot key to translate those mouse clicks into key presses? Shouldn't be too hard to code up if you stick to dividing screen into 1/3's or something similar.