Thank you so much hermine.potter
Okay. I found this thread: redirects me to this thread: after reading it, I think it's what I wanted.
But I still have some concerns, that I should probably ask here.
Genre:Since I want to start at "Genre" as the main display, I would probably want to have custom genres since my idea of a game's genre may not be the same as the info source.
A good example is metroid from, there, the genre is "Action, Adventure, Platform". But let's say I want it to be "Metroidvania". So, I edited NES.txt, but the display only shows "unknown" instead of "Metroidvania". And when I regenerate the rom list (let's say I've added new games), it changes the genre back to "Action, Adventure, Platform".
How can I make this work?
Skipping the console selection:My vision for my attract-mode is that users like me will run it with a certain game or a certain type(genre) of game in mind. Like, "I feel like playing Star Fox 64 (N64) right now, oh, wait, I think I'll play Panzer Dragoon (sega saturn) instead." Only partitioning it by console generation, because it's kind of unfair for the old games to be in the same list with the newer games. So, in the example, I'd probably need a list of games that have both N64 and Sega Saturn games in it (N64.txt and Saturn.txt combined?).
How can I make this work?