Firstly, amazing work by sergiohyperspin for creating this I know he copied someone else for the code, but he gave him credit, so I will as well iOtero.
FOR THE DOWNLOAD SCROLL DOWN TO THE SECOND COMMENT, IT CONTAINS THE DOWNLOADS AND SKIN AND BUG FIX INFORMATIONSecondly, I have only been testing AM for this week, and only started looking at trying to modify this skin today, I am a hacker/modder but not a coder so credits to everyone that can code, especially from the ground up.
I still have final touches to make, but the skin is complete enough to release a video on the work that I have done.
Youtube : (5:21)
When will this be released? I should hopefully be able to upload tomorrow 09th of Jan 2022, I still have final testing to do and looking at bug fixes if I canWhat modifications have I done?1) I have removed the white selection box. (Bottom of the screen)
Why? See number five, and besides it was annoying the hell out of me, and it was ugly.
2) The system and collection wheel at the bottom of the screen is now wheel only (for now at least).
Why? Firstly I think that system & collection logo's look far better, they are spaced out more and look less crowded. The video snaps at the bottom was slowing down my computer, so they were removed so that other people do not have the same issues.
3) The search at the top right was removed
(It is back, but search crashes the skin, so I need to look more into that)Why? I tried it, I set up custom keys, but for me it did not work.
I now have it working, search that is, just not on this skin.4) The ArcadeFlix in the top left hand corner has been removed or has it? (Improvement)
Why? I have now given you the option of having it displayed or not. You can now change this by going to
Displays, Displays Menu Options, Layout Options, Select ArcadeFlix Logo
Default is 01 (turned off) 02 = red 03 = yellow 04 = green 05 = dark blue 06 = aqua blue 07 = black
You can change, alter or add your own logo's by going to
Attract Mode\layouts\ArcadeFlix 2.0 Main Menu\Artwork\arcadeflix (you do not have a graphic for 01 hence being turned off as nothing to display)
5) The white selection box has been removed or has it? (Improvement)
Why? I hated that white box, it looked ugly, disgusting and I hated hated hated it (quick phone call to my shrink)
You now have the option of selecting your own system/collection selector, it is only a simple text logo underneath the system that you are on, but you have a few options such as press start, press fire etc.
Displays, Displays Menu Options, Layout Options, Select System Selection Logo
Default is 01 (turned off) and then you have six other options
You can change, alter or add your own text or indicator of what system you are on by going to
Attract Mode\layouts\ArcadeFlix 2.0 Main Menu\Artwork\selector (you do not have a graphic for 01 hence being turned off as nothing to display)
6) The ratings bar (tab) has been removed (right side of the screen)
Why? It was useless and served no purpose. Consoles are not rated so I do not see why someone would have a rating bar pop up for.
I will update this, but late for me and I am closing down for the night, ready for the land of nod.