I was finally able to get attractmode compiled on my rpi1 with a lot of help
thanks guys. Here is my next issue- I keep getting errors when trying to run either mame4all and/or advmame. I will try to add more info while I'm sitting in front of the pi again tonight but I guess at this point I just wanted to start a thread. I would prefer using advmame because it is my understanding that it supports xml list info (I hope I am right about this) while mame4all does not. What I hope to have is just several dozen 4-way games e.g. Donkey Kong (set1) and Donkey Kong (Japan).
So far I have tried unzipping compiled versions of both in the directory home/pi/mame with the roms being in home/pi/mame/roms. In attractmode these directories look as follows $HOME/mame and $HOME/mame/roms (this needs to be done to generate any list as $HOME/pi/mame does not generate a list). When I run a game I get an error. I will post more about the error later tonight.
What I'm hoping for is maybe is a little help and/or how to on making sure the precompiled mame(s) are working via command line. I say this because when I run mame or advmame (run in terminal in the mame folder) I get an error saying no such command.
I'm sorry for such the noobish questions