My findings are mame4all is the only version to run on a rpi1 in x-windows.
For an RPI2 advmame in console. not sure about X.
using the retro pie script I installed advmame .96 & 1.2 but using SDL .96 is locked to the RPI resolution you set in the config file so at high resolutions performance takes a hit on some games.
using advmame 1.2 you can use the Game resolution & higher and it scales up to the monitor resolution.
I've found this works for most classics just fine but other's are see slow downs.
The only reason i shy away from mame4all is that it doesn't scale to the full screen so you can get a black boarder all the way around but in X we may have to just deal with it.
tonight i'm going to upload an image to my google drive made with diet-pi OS, Attractmode compiled, retropi script installed along with mame4all, advmame .96 & 1.2
I'd love it if people could play around and help with figuring out the best version of mame to use in X.
Or if you have already tested this i'd love to hear your opinions.
I'm also going to try recompiling advmame from scratch for the X environment or possibly Xmame.