Author Topic: AM 2.4 breaks steam window focus  (Read 2728 times)


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AM 2.4 breaks steam window focus
« on: July 28, 2018, 07:24:50 AM »
After updating to the new AM 2.4, it seems the "minimum_run_time" variable is broken or not working properly. As we know, steam is problematic with AM because there are usually 1-2 loading splash screens before the actual game takes over. At the very least, there is one steam window that pops up briefly that says "launching x" whenever you play a game. After that, sometimes there is even another splash loading screen (SFV and DBFZ are both like this).

In the previous versions, setting the minimum_run_time variable would wait a number of seconds before AM started looking for the game to see if it is in focus, then would being AM back into focus once that game is closed. Now, AM will launch the game, I see the steam "launching game" window, that window goes away, and AM regains control again. The game does launch but AM is taking inputs still (I hit x and it tries to launch another game), thinking it is now the window to be in focus, because the steam launch window closed. This would happen in older versions if the "minimum_run_time" variable was not changed, but now it seems to be happening again despite the setting being there. Any help with this?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 08:02:14 AM by Barky »


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Re: AM 2.4 breaks steam window focus
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2018, 07:37:35 AM »
saw what the issue was after I posted this of course). I usually update attract mode by copying the new EXE on top of the old one. Apparently the variable name in the .cfg has changed from the old version of AM to this one. The variable used to be called "minimum_run_time", now it is called "nb_mode_wait", so that explains why the old config does not work the way it should. Changing the variable name in the cfg fixed the issue.

edit: actually this did not fix the issue. The biggest problem game is DBFZ, which has 2 splash screens before the game is actually loaded. AM is not actually "waiting" for the amount of time specified for the game to be in focus, it seems to see the first splash screen as the game, then when it goes away to show the second splash screen, AM gains focus again instead of waiting the specified time. This makes trying to play this game impossible on AM, unless there is a way to force AM to wait like the old versions.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 08:04:18 AM by Barky »


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Re: AM 2.4 breaks steam window focus
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2018, 09:30:11 AM »
Hi thanks for the report. Since the loading sequence for the game takes focus away from Attract Mode, and then gives it back, and then takes it again with the multiple loading screens, it is tricking Attract-mode into a mode it shouldn't be in.

I will fix this feature so that it works as advertised for your situation.  I'm hoping for a 2.4.1 patch release in the near future that includes a couple of these bug fixes.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2018, 09:31:46 AM by raygun »