emulator/display configurations are stored here:
in my case : C:\attract\emulators
AM scraper artwork are stored here:
in my case : C:\attract\scraper\mame\marquee and so on
romfile-name and artwork-name must be the same:
my_game123 (US).smc
my_game123 (US).png
>AM scrapertry latest version of attract & name your systems like
hereexamples, examples..
mameexecutable C:\attract\EMU\mame\mame.exe
args [name] -skip_gameinfo
rompath C:\attract\EMU\mame\roms
romext .zip;.7z;<DIR>
system Arcadeinfo_source listxmlexit_hotkey Escape
artwork marquee C:\attract\scraper\mame\marquee
artwork snap C:\attract\scraper\mame\video;C:\attract\scraper\mame\flyer
amiga 500executable C:\attract\EMU\amiga\System\FS-UAE\Windows\x86-64\fs-uae.exe
args --floppy-drive-0="[romfilename]" --fullscreen --floppy-drive-0-sounds=0 --floppy-drive-speed=100 --floppy-drive-volume-empty=100
rompath C:\attract\EMU\amiga\roms
romext .adf
system Amigainfo_source thegamesdb.netexit_hotkey Escape
artwork marquee C:\attract\scraper\amiga\marquee
artwork snap C:\attract\scraper\amiga\video;C:\attract\scraper\amiga\flyer
SNESexecutable C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\zsnesw.exe
args -m "[romfilename]"
rompath C:\attract\EMU\zsnes\ROMS
romext .smc
system Super Nintendo (SNES)info_source thegamesdb.netexit_hotkey Escape
artwork marquee C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\marquee
artwork snap C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\video;C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\flyer
>add own artworkcreate a prefered artwork folder structure (for my own artwork, i use C:\attract\scraper too):
start AM
create your emulator/display:
press TAB key > Emulators > Add Emulator > config executable and so on
config paths to your artwork too:
marquee C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\marquee
snap C:\attract\scraper\zsnes\video;C:\attract\scraper\zsnes
close AM
copy your artwork to prefered artwork folder.
romfile-name and artwork-name must be the same:
my_game123 (US).smc
my_game123 (US).png
start AM
artwork should appears
>change specific/existing artworkcheck where specific artwork-file is found
close AM
goto artwork-folder
replace existing artwork-file with your prefered artwork-file
start AM
specific game should now have the prefered artwork