Here's a work-in-progress horizontal scrolling theme I've been working on.
There's still a few things I'd like to work on, but I think it's in a usable version now.
The neon_menu theme uses the menu-art/flyer images when scrolling while the neon_systems theme includes them within the theme itself.
There are two themes:
neon_menu - used for the main Displays Menu / Nested Menu displays
neon_systems - used for the individual system displays
The download link is located here: is a short video demo of it in action. my build of Attract Mode, I've set the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to be previous game/next game for a more normal scrolling feel. I also set the UP/DOWN arrows the same way .. makes it easier to use themes of both styles (horizontal and vertical) and have a more normal scrolling feel on the gamepad.
Here is the download link for system flyers.
There are two versions. A standard version and a bordered version.