Chd information isn't stored in the AttractMode romlist so there isn't a simple filter that can be applied. You'll need to get the chd list and be a little creative.
Assuming your AttractMode emulator is called "MAME", I believe the easiest thing to do would be:
1. create, download or generate a list of all the chd file games (one can be found here
2. create a MAME folder inside your AttractMode romlist folder (i.e. /attract/romlists/MAME)
3. create a text file inside your new MAME folder called chd.tag (i.e. /attract/romlists/MAME/chd.tag) then cut and paste the list of games (without file extensions) from step #1 into this text file and save it
4. create a filter in AttractMode that reads "Tags not_contains chd"