I am creating a series of .ini files to add together with DOFLinx to my cabinet with Attract Mode in Windows 10.
This will serve to have addressable LEDs in each game of MAME and when pressing a button, put coin or press start make a play of lights or show a message etc.
My problem arises that to be able to do this I need that every time a game is launched from the frontend, the following command line should be executed:
c:\directoutput\DOFLinxMSg.exe "SUP_ini=MAME\[gamename]"
Does anyone know how to do this?
On the other hand I also have doubts if the frontend calls each game [gamename] or [game] or [name].
I'm sorry for my English but I do not speak English very well.
I thank you very much and as soon as I can upload a video of the project.
I have a note just for that in OneNote
For a rom at D:\Games\Penny.bin
[name] = Penny
[romext] = bin
[rompath]= D:\Games
[romfilename] = D:\Games\Penny.bin
Note: use asteriks "" if space in nameAs for launching a command with/before every game:
1- Elegant way would be to utilize AM's built-in ability to pass arguments to emulator from layout and go forward from there. Its discussed here >
https://github.com/mickelson/attract/commit/593ddc387cf3c9e9ca8ff7cbe992fe9a4c7791d4. I never personally used it but I would start with something like this:
if ("set of value" == true) return fe.plugin_command_bg("cmd.exe /C"....
2- Use a batfile which runs mame and DOFLinxMSg.exe together, this will be done in AM/emulators/[emulator].cfg. This will work and I personally use something like this for one system. The cfg I am using is:
executable cmd
args /c cd "D:\Tools\Controller Tools\Antimicro\Antimicro v2.23 (x32)" & start "" antimicro.exe --hidden "D:\Tools\Controller Tools\Antimicro\Antimicro Profiles\[name].gamecontroller.amgp" & start "" /wait "[romfilename]" & call "D:\Tools\Controller Tools\Antimicro\exit-antimicro.bat"
^ Code is a work of beauty if I say so my self
You can call the emulator.exe & start the DOFLinxMsg. @hermine.potter has some great scripts for these kind of setups, so searching Emulators (in related stuff) will be helpful