If I use the reflect layout for mame, the snaps do not load (have not tried with clips) when attract mode is started. They load when I change layouts or rebuild the rom list, but only after one of those activities has taken place.
I have tested it by removing the .add_clone, FadeArt, and using .add_artwork instead of .add_surface then it displays the snap artwork on launch of attractnode. I will try and isolate which one it is when I get home tonight. This was tested in Yosemite, with existing artwork (not scraped on the mac, but the pc) the artwork works in other layouts from the start.
If there are other mac users who can duplicate this, I will write up a bug report. If you want to help the steps are easy:
- open attractmode
- change layout to Reflect
- exit attractmode
- open attractmode
- post results here with os version
Thanks for your help!