Author Topic: Rookie Question - Organazation  (Read 3600 times)


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Rookie Question - Organazation
« on: February 19, 2020, 06:42:55 AM »
Morning, all.

This is probably already in here somewhere, i may just not be forming my search query properly.

Can someone help point me in the right direction to figure out how to setup a logical organization scheme? I have a massive library, running only MAME. Historically, I just launch whatever i want to play from command line in Arch, but i got the itch for building a cabinet and stumbled across Attract Mode as a front end.

I tested Attract Mode this morning on a machine with a handful of ROMS and the Nevato theme, which looks nice. I got the scrapers setup to import videos, flyers, etc, everything looks and functions beautifully.

However, once I dump hundred or thousands (probably should only load into the final build what friends might actually play to narrow down the scope), how can i set up a logical sort? I "think" what i'd like to do is have an option for game category, then an alphabetical sort at that point, with top level letters and games nested underneath, and a way to go back a screen to the previous letter.

Is something like this possible, and how can I go about configuring filters/sorts?

I will keep looking through the documentation and try to wrap my head around it.



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Re: Rookie Question - Organazation
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2020, 11:21:28 AM »
I'd suggest to create basic category filters with an additional rule for hiding clones. You can map next/ previous letter to gamepad/ keyboard so browsing large issues would not be that much of an issue. Alphabetical sort of titles is the default. In my theme I use left/ right to move between category filters, the list opens in "ALL" (lists all categories) moving right jumps to next category (alphabetically) "Action" right again moves to "Adventure" and so on. Its a loop so moving right on last category "Strategy" loops back to first category "ALL". Its a very natural flow once you get the hang of it but to make it really shine you'll need Keil's Leap plugin.

You can create a Category filter with nested (sort of) Alphabets but it will take some effort. You will need to use platforms setup then create a category display with a filter like "category contains action" then create sub-displays "A" "B" "C"... "Z" which filters titles via alphabet. This will create a folder like hierarchy  where selecting "Action" display will list all Alphabets from A to Z, selecting an alphabet lets say "A" will list all items starting with A and having the category "action". "back" will take you back to parent display/ folder i.e. "action".


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Re: Rookie Question - Organazation
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2020, 03:22:40 AM »
Check out the tags in my attract fork. One of most helpful is the nofiller I converted. Only the best roms.