Wondering if others are having issues with the scraper not grabbing everything for Mame? I did a test of Attract Mode on a PC at the office, then I took a Dell micro PC and installed Manjaro Linux with mame and attract mode with the intention of hooking it into my TV at home. I found that the scraper did not pull all of the video, wheels, etc. My test at the office pulled everything, but this was a few weeks ago. Is there a known issue with the scraper (gamesdb) or is there a way to add alternative/better scrapers?
And, is there a setting in Attract Mode to have it rescan the games list and re-scrape at launch versus doing it manually? I have several thousand ROMS and have not added them all, as I am going through them to decide which ones i REALLY want, so it would be nice to have it check each time I relaunch.
Thanks for helping a rookie figure this out.