If you just need to animate 3 slots of artwork you can use the SimpleArtstrip that extends on the conveyor module. Just change the bottom part of the script "local my_strip = SimpleArtStrip()" to whatever you like. You will essentially define the type of artwork and the width and height of it as well as the padding between the art. Tip, I would use small increments otherwise dramatic results can be expected. Also, I believe the example that I provided will create a vertical wheel on the right side. This is a good base to start with. To create a horizontal wheel or art you would essentially swap the values of width height. For example changing the value of fe.layout.width/3.5 to 1.5 and vice versa for height change the art to horizontal. See bottom readme for a better explanation.
fe.load_module( "conveyor" );
class SimpleArtStrip extends Conveyor
m_x=0; m_y=0; m_width=0; m_height=0; m_x_span=0; m_y_span=0;
constructor( artwork_label, num_objs, x, y, width, height, pad=0 )
local my_list = [];
for ( local i=0; i<num_objs; i++ )
my_list.push( SimpleArtStripSlot(this,artwork_label) );
set_slots( my_list );
m_x=x+pad/2; m_y=y+pad/2;
if ( width < height )
local my_strip = SimpleArtStrip( "wheel", 5, flw*0.625, flh*0.08, fe.layout.width/3.5, fe.layout.height/1.2, 5 );
Here is a more complete readme on it by Raygun.
// SimpleArtStrip class
// Create a simple artwork strip that smoothly animates a transition when
// the selection changes
// SimpleArtStrip( artwork_label,num_objs,x,y,width,height,pad=0 )
// Parameters:
// artwork_label - the label of the artwork to show in the strip (i.e. "snap")
// num_objs - the number of artwork objects to show in the strip
// x - the x position of the top left corner of the strip
// y - the y position of the top left corner of the strip
// width - the width of the entire strip
// height - the height of the entire strip
// pad - the amount of padding to insert between each object in the strip
// (default value of 0)
// If height>width, you will get a vertical strip. Otherwise the strip will
// be horizontal.
// Usage example. The following code creates a strip of 5 snap artworks across
// the top of the screen:
// local my_strip = SimpleArtStrip( "snap", 5, 0, 0,
// fe.layout.width, fe.layout.height/3, 2 );