Hi guys I'm having a little problem with the hbmame emulator.
in short when I launch a game I get an error. I posted an image below I tried to launch the games directly from the emulator and they run without errors
these are the settings I put.
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable F:/Arcade/Systems/HBMAMEUI/hbmamepui64ceB.exe
args [name]
rompath F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame
romext .zip
system HBMame
info_source listxml
exit_hotkey Joy0 Button8
artwork boxart F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/boxart
artwork cartart F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/cartart
artwork flyer F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/flyer
artwork marquee F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/marquee
artwork snap F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/snap
artwork wheel F:/Arcade/Games/hbmame/wheel