I found this code .... but if I copy it the name of the filters is still not displayed ... :
// Category
local categoryW = floor( bth * 2.5 )
local categoryH = floor( bth * 0.25 )
local categoryX = floor(( flw - crw ) * 0.5 - categoryW * 0.5 + flx)
local categoryY = floor( bth * 0.5 ) - floor( categoryH * 0.5 )
local category = fe.add_text("[FilterName]", categoryX, categoryY, categoryW, categoryH )
category.align = Align.Centre
category.filter_offset = 0
category.style = Style.Regular
category.charsize = floor(category.height * 1000/701)
category.font = "BebasNeueBold.otf"
local categoryLeft = fe.add_text("[FilterName]", 0, categoryY, categoryW, categoryH )
categoryLeft.align = Align.Centre
categoryLeft.filter_offset = -1
categoryLeft.style = Style.Regular
categoryLeft.charsize = floor(category.height * 1000/700)
categoryLeft.font = "BebasNeueBook.otf"
local categoryRight = fe.add_text("[FilterName]", 0, categoryY, categoryW, categoryH )
categoryRight.align = Align.Centre
categoryRight.filter_offset = 1
categoryRight.style = Style.Regular
categoryRight.charsize = floor(category.height * 1000/701)
categoryRight.font = "BebasNeueBook.otf"
local categoryLeft2 = fe.add_text("[FilterName]", 0, categoryY, categoryW, categoryH )
categoryLeft2.align = Align.Centre
categoryLeft2.filter_offset = -2
categoryLeft2.style = Style.Regular
categoryLeft2.charsize = floor(category.height * 1000/701)
categoryLeft2.alpha = 0
categoryLeft2.font = "BebasNeueBook.otf"
local categoryRight2 = fe.add_text("[FilterName]", 0, categoryY, categoryW, categoryH )
categoryRight2.align = Align.Centre
categoryRight2.filter_offset = 2
categoryRight2.style = Style.Regular
categoryRight2.charsize = floor(category.height * 1000/701)
categoryRight2.alpha = 0
categoryRight2.font = "BebasNeueBook.otf"
local categoryGap = floor( bth * 0.225 )
categoryLeft.x = category.x - category.msg_width / 2 - categoryLeft.msg_width / 2 - categoryGap
categoryRight.x = category.x + category.msg_width / 2 + categoryRight.msg_width / 2 + categoryGap
categoryLeft2.x = categoryLeft.x - categoryLeft.msg_width / 2 - categoryLeft2.msg_width / 2 - categoryGap
categoryRight2.x = categoryRight.x + categoryRight.msg_width / 2 + categoryRight2.msg_width / 2 + categoryGap
// Category Animations
local categoryOvershot = 4
local categorySmoothing = 0.9
local categoryAnimX = Animate( category, "x", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryLeftAnimX = Animate( categoryLeft, "x", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryRightAnimX = Animate( categoryRight, "x", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryLeft2AnimX = Animate( categoryLeft2, "x", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryRight2AnimX = Animate( categoryRight2, "x", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryLeftAnimA = Animate( categoryLeft, "alpha", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryRightAnimA = Animate( categoryRight, "alpha", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryLeft2AnimA = Animate( categoryLeft2, "alpha", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
local categoryRight2AnimA = Animate( categoryRight2, "alpha", categoryOvershot, 0, categorySmoothing )
// List Entry
local gameListEntryW = floor( bth * 2.5 )
local gameListEntryH = floor( bth * 0.25 )
local gameListEntryY = floor( bth / 2.0 ) - floor( gameListEntryH / 2 )
local gameListEntry = fe.add_text("[ListEntry]/[ListSize]", flx + flw - crw - gameListEntryW, gameListEntryY , gameListEntryW, gameListEntryH )
gameListEntry.align = Align.Right
gameListEntry.style = Style.Regular
gameListEntry.font = "BebasNeueLight.otf"
gameListEntry.charsize = floor(gameListEntry.height * 1000/700)