Author Topic: â–ºHelp to flip the side of an image (mirrored)â—„  (Read 4453 times)


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â–ºAjuda para inverter o lado de uma imagem (espelhada)â—„

►Alguém pode me ajudar estou precisando de um código pra um tema preciso pegar uma determinada imagem e deixar ela espelhada como mostrarei no exemplo:
Quero que a imagem da Bulma a esquerda original se duplique do outro lado como uma cópia espelhada invertida!
Existe alguma forma de modificar isso? no momento estou tentando dessa forma mais ela ainda fica meio distorcida.

â–ºHelp to flip the side of an image (mirrored)â—„

â–ºCan someone help me I need a code for a theme I need to take a certain image and leave it mirrored as I will show in the example:
I want Bulma's image on the original left to duplicate on the other side like an inverted mirrored copy!
Is there any way to modify this? at the moment I'm trying this way but it is still a little distorted.

//bulma cópia espelhada
local bgart = fe.add_artwork("Bulma.png", 0, 0, 0, 0 );
bgart.set_pos(flx*0.59, fly*0.37, flw*0.0, flh*0.0 );
bgart.skew_y = -1400;
bgart.skew_x = -1400;
bgart.pinch_y = 0;
bgart.pinch_x = 0;
bgart.rotation = 286;
bgart.zorder = 25
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 09:44:40 PM by Karlosworkz »
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Re: â–ºHelp to flip the side of an image (mirrored)â—„
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 08:24:03 AM »
Why don't you just save a second copy of it, already flipped, and load that in as a separate image


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Re: â–ºHelp to flip the side of an image (mirrored)â—„
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2020, 07:04:32 PM »
Consegui usei o mesmo argumento para virar a tela de lado porém usei uma imagem gif com a resolução de 1500x643 esta com a animação e invertida:

I managed to use the same argument to turn the screen sideways but I used a gif image with the resolution of 1500x643 this with the animation and inverted:

if (my_config["enable_HelloBye_2"] == "Ativado")
local bgart = fe.add_artwork("HelloBye_E para D", 0, 0, 0, 0 );
bgart.zorder = 15
bgart.set_pos(flx*0.98, fly*-0.06, flw*0.005, flh*0.17 );
bgart.skew_y = 3000;//comando usado para inverter, command used to reverse
bgart.skew_x = 1100;//comando usado para inverter
bgart.pinch_y = 200;//comando usado para inverter
bgart.pinch_x = 200;//comando usado para inverter
bgart.rotation = 85;
if ( my_config["enable_ini_anim"] == "Ativado" )
   local move_transition1 = {when = Transition.StartLayout, property = "x", start = flx*10.0,   end = flx*1.79, tween = Tween.Back, time = my_delay+3550}
   animation.add( PropertyAnimation( bgart, move_transition1 ) );
if ( my_config["enable_ini_anim"] == "Ativado" )
   local move_transition1 = {when = Transition.ToNewSelection, property = "x", start = flx*10.0,   end = flx*1.79, tween = Tween.Back, time = (ini_anim_time+1770)}
   animation.add( PropertyAnimation( bgart, move_transition1 ) );

In the example video shows how it was before using two images using this command you don't need to have only one image that the attractmode port duplicates it and inverts:

No video de exemplo mostra como era antes usando duas imagens usando esse comando não preisa ter uas imagens apenas uma que o rporpio attractmode duplica ela e inverte:
Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. The smile solves problems, silence avoids them...