Author Topic: Setting up attractmode for mame&retroarch in windows example using nevato layout  (Read 3436 times)


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someone needed some help so i created a very basic how to video on how to setup mame using attract. I know it's possible to generate / import the complete list at once and never do it again but already had to explain too much. If you follow step by step using same paths you should be able to have setup mame and have some media for it
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 01:21:47 PM by joyrider3774 »


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Hey going further with the setup from the 1st video i also created a video now showcasing how to add handhelds and consoles using retroarch as well as showing where you can get system video's and wheels for free and how they work in attract mode (menuart folder). i took Snes as example but setting up any other system using retroarch is always the same.

In case anyone is interested the video is here and goes further where the 1st video ended but it's not really necassary to have followed the 1st video, you can always download attract and skraperui etc manually and then follow the video
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 01:22:08 PM by joyrider3774 »