Hi all, I have a Supermodel installation that works flawlessly on AM, but recently I acquired a Sinden light gun, so I had to make some changes for the four lightgun compatible games from the system (LA Machineguns, Lost World, Star Wars Trilogy and Ocean Hunter). These changes included installing ReShade and creating a .bat file for each game in order to activate Sinden Gun screen border.
So, once I created and tested the .bat files I wanted to add them to AM, first thing I did was create an "emulator" for each one, then copy the game lists to the Supermodel romlist, and then deleted the displays. Awesome, all the Model 3 games are in their respective emulator category and can be launched via AM.
HERE IS THE ISSUE. When launching the .bat games, the game starts with the border and bezel as intended, but AM keeps sounding in the background, you can still hear the video snap shots sound, and the joystick and gun imputs also affect the front end, so you could accidentally start another game/emulator.
Also, the "Exit" hotkey assigned button combination remains irresponsive, the only way to close the game is via escape key in the keyboard, and sometiomes even that doesn't work, and the game needs to be closed via task manager.
I am totally at lost here. Any ideas on how to solve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.My configuration:
.bat file for LA Machineguns:
cd /d "%~dp0"
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
DEL .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png
COPY .\Artwork\lamachin.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel.png
COPY .\Artwork\lamachin.png .\reshade-shaders\Textures\Bezel_off.png
START Supermodel.exe lamachin.zip -fullscreen -res=1360,768
AM configuration for this specific game:
# Generated by Attract-Mode v2.6.1
executable K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\LA Machineguns.bat
args "[romfilename]" -fullscreen
workdir K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN
rompath K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\ROMs
romext .bat
system Arcade
exit_hotkey Joy0 Button8+Joy0 Button9
artwork Cabinets K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\Model3 Cabinets
artwork marquee K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\Model3 Marquee
artwork snap K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\Model3 Videosnap
artwork wheel K:\Emuladores\Sega Model 3 GUN\Model3 Wheel
All the emulator/roms/.bat files are in the same root folder, as per Sinden Wiki indications.
Thanks in advance!